Keep it stupid simple. The KISS principle of design states that if we can’t understand a product, we can’t use it properly. Everything about it should be simple. The simpler the product, the more likely it will be useful to others.
This includes skincare steps. That’s why GMK products are designed to be simply formulated and applied in simple steps.
But the KISS principle is also important when it comes to building any kind of routine that you hope to keep long term. Going from couch potato one day to running a 5k the next is just setting yourself up for failure. A new diet lifestyle is difficult to make happen overnight. You have to relearn everything about grocery shopping, budgeting and meal preparation. It can get overwhelming.
When my mom moved in with me, I decided she would follow her doctor’s directions and clean up her eating habits. The very first meal I served her was grilled chicken, quinoa and kale. No lard, no flour tortillas, no soda. Not only was she miserable, but she found ways to get other family members to sneak in her favorite junk food. The change was way too sudden and the failure was inevitable.
The same is true for skincare. If you’ve never taken care of your skin, it’ll be hard to develop the habit. And the temptation is to jump to extremes: “I’ve never washed my face twice daily or moisturized, but now that I’m getting older, it’s time for Botox.” But heaving yourself into using all sorts of chemicals you can’t even pronounce could shock your skin rather than help it.
To be successful in caring for your skin, the KISS principle is so important. Start with a few products at a time. Products that are simple enough for you to understand what they’re made of and how to use them. Get used to that habit before you throw in more steps. GMK’s full facial kit is 7 steps and I’ve seen ladies feel overwhelmed by starting off with so many products. But the daily maintenance is only 3 simple steps: wash, tone, and hydrate. I tell ladies who have no skincare regimen to start here. Once they develop the daily habit, then they can build up onto the other steps: scrub twice weekly, mask once a week, eye roller and spot treatment as needed.
If 3 steps still seems like too much, I am just a text, call or Facial 101 class away. My commitment to skincare extends from making all natural GMK products to coaching others on how to start, maintain and boost their beauty game.